Kevin Soltysiak

Web developer - Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is an open-source web framework that’s optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity.

It lets you write beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration, and allows you to get an application up and running very quickly.

Many websites are powered by Ruby on Rails: among others, GitHub, Shopify, and Soundcloud.

Ruby on Rails was released more ten years ago, and radically changed how web applications were developed.

Since then, it has gained maturity, stability, and has a strong ecosystem of contributors and users around the world. And new features keep coming, too.

I have been developing with Ruby on Rails since 2011 and have used it in many projects, from open-data applications to e-commerce websites, APIs, micro-services...

Recently, I've worked at Trainline on their ruby backend, with Epopia to help them reduce their technical debt and overhead, and Butterware to help them maintain and grow their SaaS application.

Wether it's a new project or an existing one, a small prototype or a complete product, I can help you get it off the ground. I'd be happy to talk more about it: you can join me at